The Wild Lily Institute
Directed Studies Department

Welcome to our directed studies department!
We welcome students to participate in a directed study with the Wild Lily Institute.
Students must be enrolled in post-secondary education in a college or university, and work will be done by correspondence (email and mail).
For those taking a directed study with the Wild Lily Institute, the following subjects are available:
A) Children's Literature: study of mental health and bullying in the context of community in Little Bird's Song.
B) Postmodern Poetry: study of zen influences or mindfulness, and innovations in poetry in The Fleur-de-lis (Vol I- III) (only one language is required, students do not need to speak French).
C) Study of the poet's world in 58 Sonnets by Isaacson in Arsenic.
D) Study of myth and story in overcoming trauma and tragedy in Snowflake Princess.
E) Study of familial choices in health and advances in Aboriginal Medicine in A Familiar Shore
Students are required to buy the applicable book for individual
studies as text.
Credit may apply for regular college courses (will be determined on a per student basis).
To apply, please write and request an application: